Jacques-Louis Douchebag

I don't think Amy Acker could possibly be any cooler than we already know she is.

Agreed. I don't think we should be setting up rigid dogmas regarding critical practice.

I feel like your reaction to a piece of music tends to change more over time, with a more "definitive" feeling only emerging after extended exposure. That's less true in my experience with films, but in terms of analysis both probably require more than one viewing/listen in order to be significantly processed.

That wouldn't be the worst way Trump could go, actually. I wonder if Webb is desperate enough for relevance that he would sink that low.

That's true, though people there were primarily reviewing Lemonade as a film, and it was released in such a way as to encourage rapid viewing/reactions (it was only available on HBO for 48 hours, much to my chagrin). Whether films or albums require more long term absorption seems a difficult question.

60% lol

I mean, even he's better than what we have now!

The film implied as much about the staging, so I'm not surprised. Given that a lot of people seem to have died, though, the incompetence must have been absolutely lethal.

Yeah, when I looked it up, I saw that there was no apparent consensus about who or what was behind the firefighting after the overthrow. Kind of stunning to imagine you could have major armed clashes in a major European country without anyone figuring out exactly who was doing it.

There's a small part of me that wonders if he could theoretically choose a renegade Democrat. Carson basically said as much.

Yeah, Trump's not stupid enough to give Cruz more incentive than he has already.

Yeah, the Mandarin is one of the aspects of the film I like the most, I think, though I haven't seen the film for some time now.

My friends hate that film for some reason. "*Waaaah*, the Mandarin sucks!"

Condolences on the latest update, my friend.

Hey, Semi! I'm going to be seeing a screening of Videograms of a Revolution tonight. I might have thoughts later.

Did you not watch Daredevil, dude?


Gah. So…blocky.

To Santa Calina?

Trump's going to knock it down and build a skyscraper. One with a thirteenth floor!