Jacques-Louis Douchebag

I see. Well, there are worse fates, I suppose.

I'll check some of those out myself, I think.

I agree with you both. Plus I enjoy Kelly's persona a bit more. Astaire is excellent but there's something less warm to his on screen personality.


What do you have to do to get the guardianship lifted, I wonder? You can't really demonstrate you've become more capable of caring for yourself when you can't make any decisions on your own.

"Savimbi also accused his political opponents in UNITA of witchcraft, and participated in the public burning of entire families as witches."

Yeah, but giving him all the credit for what's apparently regarded by this list as one of the most successful directing jobs ever makes no sense in this context.

He makes more sense than the directors who worked on acclaimed films but were basically non entities in the process. Wasn't Gone with the Wind directed by at least three different people at different times? .

This might be the worst thing I've ever seen.

5. Casablanca by Michael Curtiz

If he's anything like Hitler he'll play them all off against each other too. Give them conflicting and overlapping duties, so they all compete and betray one another.

No one will notice that your clothes are horribly crumpled! I'm sure they would say it to my face if they did.

I mean, it makes sense in regards to the traditional signification of "witch-hunt", but less sense in regards to the narrative it lifts from the Wicker Man specifically.

lol, you bother folding your laundry? nerd

There's no evidence that the crossover of Bernie/Trump supporters is particularly substantial outside of the internet. More Clinton supporters would have refused to vote for the Democratic candidate if Bernie won than Sanders voters will refuse to vote for Hillary. That's been proven by your beloved "numbers". It's a

That's true actually.

Don't you dare besmirch his beauty!

Fucking millennials.

Noam being the same ranking as Simone is a travesty.

Yeah, Godard wasn't a bad looking guy in his youth by any means, but….eh.