Jacques-Louis Douchebag

I'M NOT SURE IT IS. I can't get any website to give me the parent channel. WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?

I couldn't find CBS on my TV. *runs away crying*

Haznavicius seems like an…odd choice for that. The most interesting thing will probably be how the man himself responds.

I'm muting political twitter.

The gift of prophecy is one of my more underrated features.

That ruin would cause onlookers to shudder with a mixture of awe, fear, and revulsion for many centuries.

It would be funny if Kasich outlasts Cruz.

What's so ugly about a tremendous, extravagant, imposing and grandiose neoclassical symbol of terrifying state power?

The down arrow key broke on my laptop. I forgot to get it fixed. Made the game unplayable. I'll finish it once I remember.

That algorithm that recently came out predicting deaths in the series gave the victim a very high chance to survive. In context, I found it less surprising than I should have, though.

If this is drunk Vox, I think they should imbibe more frequently, to be honest. This is incalculably superior to much of their other material.

To be fair, Order of the Golden Dawn does sound like a good name for a shadowy organization of villains in a kung fu film.

There could never be enough Bear! And I forgot how close it is to airing.

I can't wait to see how he reacts when he actually loses.

Such a Charlie ad

I know that. There's no need to flatter me.

Trump's kids at least seem to like him. That might mean they're even more fucked up, though.

He's unbelievably petty. One of the nastier characters in global politics.

"In 2014, Turkish physician Bilgin Çiftçi shared an image comparing Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to Gollum. As a result of administrative investigation, he was expelled from service.[25] In 2015, Erdoğan sued Çiftçi for insulting him, demanding 2-years imprisonment.[26] The court started an investigation to