Jacques-Louis Douchebag

His love for his Precious is what animates his final mad attempt, even if it is a love which finally must destroy its object. I suppose I am a man of the heart in the end. What can preserve this wretched world if not love?

That's good!

Is that intended as a counterpoint, haha? Because I would argue not only is that funny in a deliberately telegraphed manner, but it perfectly encapsulates one of the most important motifs of the film and his work as a whole.

He is the savior of the world! What's not to like?

I always found Gollum one of the more interesting and aesthetically successful aspects of that trilogy, in both the filmed versions and the novels. I'll accept that comparison cheerfully.

I think his comedic sensibility is in some sense one of the most crucial and neglected aspects of his art.

My eyes are lanterns, Semi, through which the lights of my perception shine, and the light reveals the myriad objects of knowledge which lie hidden in obscure caves and caverns. Your conspiracies and deep dissimulation will not avail against me!

They are, in a sense, the audience for our human drama, albeit a hostile one, and as such their relation to us is not without a certain pathos.

Never seen one of those before now! It's like a unicorn.

I know that I *don't* know nothing.

It's not my fault I'm all knowing, jackass. Some of us are born this way. Also, fuck off.

You can't fool us as to the actual identify of your gimmick account, Semi. We're not that gullible!

Great job, Mads! Your penchant for secrecy will be known and recounted for eons.

Yeah, it's hard to see most of the swing states going that way.

It depends how they play it. Kasich can blame Trump's failure on a lack of party discipline/the man's own weaknesses and portray himself as the one true moderate who was willing to work together with all factions and unite the party. I don't think most people will buy it, but it could work.

I think Kasich is more inclined to want Trump to win than not. The collaboration with Cruz was just a fig leaf so the party wouldn't hate him anymore.

Yeah, I think it's Kasich, as well.

I figure this is a reflection of the Cruz primary campaign having essentially ended. They'll either select him at a contested convention or it will be Trump. Cruz is betting on them selecting him, and he's willing to show it, I guess.

I can't wait to read this!
