Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Most jokes on that show are.

They're the national bird! They're not going to be piling hay like a god damn peasant. We work for them, Semi.

Eagles seem potentially very expensive, but I am ill versed in the economic structure of the bird market.

Hmm, I think it would run the risk of sinking like lead into the sea in the process, but it seems like there's some potential for a startup there.

The Kardashians would only endorse first class perfumes, Semi. I insist you recant such a malicious, malevolent, malign and malformed slander.

My goodness

Not so much because of this, but because it's a great film!

But I want to live!

3D Pow!

But Debs actually got that 5 percent on a third party Socialist ticket! While in prison, no less. More impressive, imo.

It would be quite precedent setting if President Trump's Lewinsky scandal was having a love child with his own daughter. No one could top that!

Yeah. Frankly I think he could have expected to do this well. There wasn't much serious competition to Hillary besides himself, and he had a message which would do a lot to distinguish him. That gave him a lot of space. But he really seems like he initially jumped in as a protest candidate, and he needed to break out

I think it was always more true of Sanders than it was of Trump, ironically enough.

I'm a Harvard Man. Yourself?

I'm making some major readjustments with my lighting.

I think Sanders is kind of bitter because he entered the race without thinking he had a chance to win, and by the time he realized there was an actual market for his sort of thing it was too late. He didn't prepare super detailed policy proposals in advance because he didn't initially think he would have a chance to

Hmm, this wouldn't surprise me given the Russo's history.

Oooh, lovely. There's even a nice bunny.

Clearly I need to play around with the arrangement of my lights a bit more!

'In our time the destiny of man presents its meanings in political terms.'-THOMAS MANN.
How can I, that girl standing there,
My attention fix
On Roman or on Russian
Or on Spanish politics,
Yet here's a travelled man that knows
What he talks about,
And there's a politician
That has both read and