Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Mine has become fairly stagnant as well. I have a nice deer and a pretty tree, though.

I was attacking what I thought was the awful framing of the quote as much as I was supporting what Bernie said. But Bernie's suggestion was merely that the government trying to ensure people had food was better than just allowing God or nature to sort out the problem of hunger in a country undergoing a bad economic

There's a lot of stuff Sanders says I don't agree with but on this particular issue he is, obviously enough, completely and unambiguously correct. And it doesn't make sense to criticize the Sandinistas for having an unsuccessful economic policy when the enemies of the Sandinistas were waging a campaign of massive

One of the most memorable parts for me is when he says that the punishment one of his personal enemies was receiving is so horrific and utterly without mercy that he still praises and thanks God for it.

He's a little too overtly, proudly vindictive to be a traditional Mary Sue, isn't he?

The sheer, genuine disgust he manifests here makes me like him a lot.


Hey, that worked!

Yeah, I'll try that. I'm sure it will work.

Hmm, I'm having some trouble getting the red circle to appear for some reason.

How do you control them?

Yeah, I'm at least excited to maybe get that plotline out of the way, if nothing else. The show might need to introduce a third man at some point to keep things from getting stale.

I'm ambivalent. The man involved in the thing is an important character and it wasn't clear what else they were going to do with him at this point. That being said, I'm not sure he's a particularly good fit for her, or much of anyone, really. But we'll see how they handle it. I don't expect the finale to have a

I always wanted to fight on top of a train.

Yeah, he has this really broad idea of what constitutes parental abuse, and is able to convince his followers that they've been the victims of severe mistreatment over trifles. His preferred solution was to have them end all contact whatsoever.

The fact that in real life he's apparently more or less a cult leader who ruined several families adds a dark edge to the whole thing.

I really hope she never learns, to be honest.

"Cause like, voting is trying to impose like, part of the state on your fellow citizens, man, and they all have guns and they'll force you to respect the damn government, man."

He's my favorite person to watch when I want to see the face of pure, mindless evil. I can't watch him for extended periods without needing a shower, though.

This seems like a good premise for a movie featuring Scarlett Johansson, to be honest.