Jacques-Louis Douchebag

I promise it's not my fault!

Enjoy! Seeing him is great fun.

Somehow the photos from this look even sillier than any other superhero movie.

Let he who has never had a bite of pizza cast the first stone.

Hey, haven't seen this account in some time!

It doesn't seem to be true. It definitely wasn't true in the form he told it. He kept going back and forth between France and Germany for a while during the period where he had supposedly immediately fled to France. Notably, Goebbels, who kept a pretty detailed diary, never mentions it anywhere.

April Fools?

Being a professional asshat seems like an easy gig.

The character's name is Amy Ryan?

Oooh, you're going to be like those educated Greco Romans who could recite all of Homer.

What do you make of the Epilogue?

It's not so much that foreign policy needn't or shouldn't be based in ethics, as that functionally they almost can't be determined primarily by moral considerations, except in very rare circumstances. The forces of self interest and preservation tend to outweigh moral considerations in most cases, especially among

I actually kind of foresaw it. I saw it all. And what I see now…oh god. Oh god. It's horrible. I can't look.

Yeah, partisanship is strong. It's almost definitely a year for the Democrats unless something unforeseen happens. But something unforeseen could happen.

He was able to flip those unfavorable ratings pretty well among Republicans in the primary. I don't see how he could do it in the general, but I feel like he could, which is unnerving. Nonetheless, stuff like this is reassuring.

I feel like there's a fairly large difference between keeping someone in power and not launching military attacks on the government of the country they head. I don't think anyone was expecting or even advocating a deployment of US military force against Hosni Mubarak in that situation. And why assume the US or any

It sure doesn't seem as if Libya is significantly freer now than it was under Gaddafi. It sure is a hell of a lot poorer, more desolate, and way more violent, though. It's lost an even bigger percent of its population than Syria has. It's completely brimming with terrorist groups with no stabilization in sight, and

Look, I didn't drag your name through the muck. Lebanese right wing Christians did!

True. Any judgement now would be premature.

Will the Crazy Ex-Girlfriend season finale be the greatest season finale of TV ever, or will it be the single greatest episode of television ever?