Jacques-Louis Douchebag

It's very obvious they'll permanently alienate 40 percent of their base? I mean, they might, but I'm not sure I'd want to bet on them being *that* suicidal.

Yeah, misogyny is strong enough that the Republicans might put up a comparable fight. I guess the better question is if white panic will lessen under her administration, which would be yet another factor harming the Republican party's electoral viability, and hence, very ability to obstruct.

In the end times, all the children of darkness will be allied against the sons and daughters of light and the Sun.

Clinton and Sanders are white, so the Republicans probably couldn't get away with fucking with them quite as much as with Obama.

My favorite thing is they formed an alliance with Jack Thompson. Jack fucking Thompson! The obsessive anti video game crank. Stupid recognizes stupid, I guess.

Yeah, I think a lot of that arises from the sort of libertarian mystification where the most important factor of any society is the level of state involvement in public affairs, which ignores the reality of the role the state plays in all sorts of different countries and the different forms state involvement can take,

I agree that the word should have a certain precision or it loses credibility, but I guess I'd be more inclined to view all verifiably far right movements (at least ones with some tendency toward racial violence) through that lens.

Hell, when you put it that way, let's make America great again!

I would be more sympathetic to the argument in favor of maintaining a very strong, distinct standard for ascertaining fascist ideology if I was more convinced that fascism was ever a fully coherent ideological framework. I mean, fascism as it existed in the precise form of the post World War I era in Europe is

I apologize for slandering the man. I should have recognized that the Lebanese Forces were a right wing Christian death squad, but not a fascist right wing Christian death squad! I will try to restrain my tongue to a greater level of accuracy in the future.

The Phalangist movement literally started because someone went to Nazi Germany and was like, "This is great. Let's do that." Pair that with genocidal actions, and, well, I hate to tell you, buddy…

It probably won't be worse than the Klanbake, the DNC in 1924, but it will be close.

Mankind has gone mad, and lo, look at our glories and our shames. There is nothing we can avoid shutting our eyes to in horror, nothing we can avoid opening our eyes to in morbid curiosity. Lo, we circle the drain of doom.

Truly his wife is a very tolerant woman.

I'd let that cat raid my ship any day.

Whoah, he had us all fooled, didn't he? Although for some reason the pro-gun thing surprises me less than the rest, I guess.

'But where can we draw water,'

Falstaff, Henry IV Part 1