Jacques-Louis Douchebag

I'll formulate a more detailed reply to this when I finish choking horribly on my drink due to laughter. Truly, you may have finally managed to slay me, and hence compensate for your pathetic efforts directed against Pulp.

You only think that because you are corrupted by the very language Godard has so brusquely dismissed.

no they weren't

Godard did it, and you denounced him for it, you monster.

Terror. Utter terror.

Ugh, you sophomoric fool, Nietzsche wasn't even a big proponent of the will to life. You're falling into Schopenhauer territory now, and to him the will to life was hateful. Everyone knows the will to power takes precedence, and negativity can be extremely powerful.

Sometimes, you have to say no before you can say yes. Otherwise all you have is meaningless repetition, the one sided and uncommunicative void of one hand clapping for all eternity.

I saw that earlier, and I laughed and laughed.

Bubble on, Bubbline. Do not yet end your song.

Go ahead!

You are blessed, innocent kitten, for you know nothing of pain.

If at all possible, bask in the sun, and let its rays warm your heart and spirit, so that when you speak and write you shall spread the spirit of the sun, and dissipate this horrible cloud which has come upon the world.

I feel physically awful, am trying to finish a 7 page paper, and a personal catastrophe just happened to a person I'm very fond of. I am not in the healthiest mental state right now, so I hope you're all having wonderful, blessed days to restore the balance of the universe.

I'm a little surprised she turned so many down, but I don't know what kind of roles they were, plus she's also branching out into film I guess.


Trump will meet the fate of Burr, another aspiring emperor, and wind up fleeing to Europe after a politically motivated treason trial. I'm sure he'll find a healthier reception than Burr did in France. And in the meantime, I, a true embryo Caesar/Napoleon will rise to fill the power vacuum.

Sleep well, my sleepy friend.

Aww, I want to hold him!

Look, we never win any more, ok? Semi wins, Canada wins, China wins. When I'm president, America and Narwhal will win again.

Aww. Lick away my suffering, kittens. Lick it all away.