Jacques-Louis Douchebag

"I'm an agent of chaos. And the thing about chaos? It's fair."-Donald Trump, 2016.

Yeah, it would kind of suck if this season had an awesome, satisfying finale, and then they got renewed for another season that just fizzled out.

Kind of hope Trump voters wipe out the entire GOP establishment at the convention, tbh. Sort of like the climax to Inglorious Basterds.

I can sort of see why you wouldn't want to write a concession speech, though; on an almost superstitious level, allowing yourself to even think like a loser could feel like tempting fate.

I feel like all the Justices with enough of a national profile to be seriously considered probably had a similar educational background, though, and in any case, I see no reason why Obama would be expected to break with that pattern even if he had free reign. He's himself a Harvard man.

On the one hand, this is obviously sad, even if expected. On the other, I'm glad we'll be getting a resolution.

Why is it so disappointing that Obama's nominee is Harvard-educated? All the other Justices have an Ivy League education; I don't know why Obama would go out of his way to pick a justice who wasn't.

As far as I know, yes, Shamrock Shakes do in fact have a cult following. America is a strange, wild land, where the grasses are trod upon by strange, wild men, who, in fits of fancy, could truly mistake a Shake for the ambrosia of Irish mythological monsters.

Kanye cried while writing that song, apparently, and I like to think it was the model part that truly got to him.

They basically said as much when it looked like Cruz might overtake Trump, quite publicly. It looked like a crazy, failed gambit to ensure Rubio and not Cruz would become the main anti-Trump, but I'm not surprised there's some truth to it as well.

You might say I am a person who is very interested in this news, lol!

Yeah, I have no idea why they're so confident of having their preferred choice if they can just block Obama. Maybe they're just backed into a corner by Cruz's manipulations? Then again, the GOP can be pretty delusional; Romney seemed to sincerely think he was going to beat Obama right up to the very end.

Imagine thousands if not millions of Leslie Knopes.

The thing is, I think a lot of the most anti-Hillary Bernie supporters would have been unlikely to show up to vote for her in the general election, no matter what happened. But now those individuals have invested a lot of energy into Bernie Sanders, who will certainly endorse Hillary. Even if a small portion of those

I rather think that such strong memorization of a work of art is a rare and neglected skill in today's culture. If I were you, I would attempt to push such a development to its logical conclusion; try and reach the point where you can recite the entire series (or, at minimum, an entire season) from memory.

I probably wouldn't view it as worse than any other cash grab, unless something about the subject matter was even more hateful than would be typical.

Keep your disgust with "words, words, words" to yourself, Hamlet.

Life is very long.

Jeff Sessions, the one Senator who endorsed him, springs to mind.

GOB finally achieved his dream.