Jacques-Louis Douchebag

I had a teacher who used a projector which allowed you to display papers by laying them on top of the light. She would often write on the papers with a marker while they were on the glass and then wipe down the projector with a rag when it got messy. She broke it this way twice.

Trump is smarter than Tony Abbot, at least.

psst…no one tell them the country is already in debt

Hillary will go to Donald Trump's 4th wedding.

Love that he's covering his face.

Can't beat em, join em.

"America will be full of Hillary clones :("

But it so perfectly captures the pathos and irony of being cast into the darkness of the grave by the source of all earthly light!

I should definitely read the Fagles versions in full one day, but just comparing the opening sections alone, I prefer "man skilled in all ways of contending" to "man of twists and turns", as well as "and he who moves all day through heaven/took from their eyes the dawn of their return" to "And the Sungod blotted out

Well, of course. Idiot. Cretin.

oh my god

Hmm, I should read Twilight of the Idols. I've read a few bits from that on certain figures I was interested in (Emerson, obviously) but not much.

I can't remember if I've read the whole thing but I've read extensive portions of it online almost by accident, and I don't think it's particularly long.


*coughs* Fitzgerald would like to have a word with you about what constitutes the "standard", Semi.

The Antichrist has some good bits but is a little whiny. We get it, Christianity sucks. Grow up, Nietzsche!

Who doesn't love the pig fucking episode? It *literally* predicted the fact that the UK's Prime Minister fucked a pig.

Look, I'll admit I was attempting to form a companion for myself out of clay, a golem if you will, and I also admit out of narcissism I made him look rather like myself. But how could I have known what horrible things would happen, what wicked spirits would fill that hollow heart of artifice? And lo, now another evil

I would assume they'd be an opportunistic figure, someone you wouldn't necessarily peg for a Trump supporter but one who also hasn't spoken out against him too strongly to be taken seriously. I think he'll try to make it surprising. That said, I could imagine Jeff Sessions as a very establishment figure, who's

I would think if Trump was serious about winning, they'd have to be someone who really brought something different to the table, a sort of surprise figure who could build a powerful coalition of supporters.