Jacques-Louis Douchebag

I think Palin was just Trump's Iowa ploy. She didn't work out very well for McCain, after all.

That is true, but those types tend to vote Republican on a Federal level anyway. They could potentially grow even more on a local level, but eh.

True enough, though he's certainly capable of lying. So probably he just lives tweets the "Canadian revolution", where "the glorious friends of Yankee democracy" crush "creeping French Canadian socialism", and portrays himself as the inspiration and driving ideological force, instead of giving the CIA credit.

lol, they'd get slaughtered! Trump would nuke every country that participated. Our best hope would be Russian and Chinese intelligence services causing trouble, sadly.

No surprise that those types screwed the party elites by giving support to Trump, really. They dug their own grave.

I would hope we don't get that ticket, but you're right that there's no reason to think the veep would be so much better.

Are there that many conservative Democrats, though, or at least ones who would jump ship for a reformed Republican party? I rather doubt it. The main reason a "socialist" candidate probably won't defeat the centrist this Democratic primary is because she has significantly more support (or, at least, name recognition)

I didn't buy that at first, but it could be true if it's indicative of widespread political distaste among the military for some of Trump's other measures. I'm sure if Cruz gave similar orders, they would follow them. Weirdly, I could see the CIA being comparatively pro-Trump, and we all know they're the real

Yeah,I have to imagine there would be figures willing to take him out, whether a civilian or a certain faction of the state, if he really embarked on that general direction, but by that point it might be too late. It's not like anyone successfully managed to get Mussolini until he was beaten militarily. A military

I think the conservative media was pretty much always as hideous as they are now, but the political culture in Washington was more genteel. You definitely saw the transmutation of the Republican party into a kind of insurgent model once Obama won, rhetorically, but also to a lesser extent in terms of policy proposals.

Keep in mind, that if Trump really ended up being a truly Hitlerian figure, it would be far worse than the German instance, since there would be almost no place on earth free from the influence of Trumpist America, and no realistic military counterweight, even.


Superb. Truly masterful to pack so much character development into 12 minutes.

I saw What Was Missing!

I'm so fucking happy we get more Crazy Ex, but I thought the Golden Globe sealed that deal anyway. Still, this news is joyful.

I was gonna ask about iZombie, but I realize that's actually part of the DC lineup.

I received Neutral.

I expect a more sophisticated cynicism from you than this, SBT.

Oh, Clickhole. Even when I laugh at you, a part of me must therefore weep.

Alas, our fandom is focused on something that once came, and now is gone.