Jacques-Louis Douchebag

If anything good has yet come out of the Trump campaign, it is that!

It's Vox. Everything needs to be explained.

John Bunyan too, but I guess Protestants have to lose out sometimes.

Yes, Trump is first and foremost a German, in the same sense that Hillary Clinton is Welsh.

"Allegory is a really clumsy technique."

Ads are the lifeblood of our glorious market system. Adblock will destroy the rights of the proprietors, and lo, mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, the ceremony of all innocence is drowned, etc etc.

I had been wondering when Rebecca's money was going to run out all season, lol.

don't do this to me

I assume he means man-children, but god only knows with him. I think he wants to slay the child in himself, even if it means taking the lives of innocent toddlers.

I think he'd *definitely* take away more votes from the Democratic candidate. The dude banned large sodas!

Huh, and I thought all you goys were weird for not understanding a certain character arc in Phoenix.

I don't think a lot of the fanatics who worship him are really concerned with knowing things, tbh.

That he didn't shrivel the government seems far too generous. It's true that he raised taxes on several occasions and actually increased the deficit, but this was part of the process of slashing away at social programs in order to redirect government spending massively towards the military. "Starve the Beast", and all

He shifted politics broadly to the right, so he's a trailblazer in that regard. We're still living very much under his shadow. Though negotiating with the USSR and selling arms to Iran would certainly be more frowned upon by our current crop, I imagine.

I honestly had no idea she was still alive, which seems odd, given how much the Reagan legacy is still harped on. Apparently she was an advocate for stem cell research, which is nice enough.

The Old Testament is the better testament, and you know it, goyish heathen.

hmmm, i'm morbidly tempted to check out jews
EDIT: ended up being a big fart, with no real content

Trump has been trying to subtly and not so subtly turn the base against Cubans, though.