Jacques-Louis Douchebag

At first I thought this was about the Lord Mayor of London, which might be even greater. He could maybe win this based off sheer name recognition alone. If Trump can do it…

Whoah, that thing is unbelievably versatile, if gloriously impractical.

Indeed. It is a rude phenomenon, in some ways, but in most, simply necessary.

Sounds gross. Peak TV is a strange, if fascinating period.

He should tie a British soldier's body to a cherry tree, and then slowly hack down that cherry tree with an axe. Buckets of blood splatter everywhere, in 3D!

I could practically imagine voting for Trump over Bloomberg. At least Trump doesn't literally have direct control over the media.

Can't be worse than the majority of dull biopics we get from that period.

I'd watch that, tbh.

I don't know if it was my personal favorite, but definitely the most epic and it had by far the most quotable lines.

As a man with an unusual German last name, I don't find making fun of Trump for being linked to a unusual German last name hilariously funny, but that may just be personal bias.

I mean, do they just think anyone without particularly dark skin is a de facto white person? Because a lot of East Asians and others would be pretty surprised that they're finally in the club.

I saw someone on the casting announcement for that commenting that it was stretching the term to call her a person of color because she wasn't "obviously not white" and asserted she had often played white characters before. They then preceded to list a group of characters presumably intended to illustrate that point,

Holy shit, that casting! That sounds potentially great, but also really bizarre!

It kind of makes sense to me that people would display greater harshness in the case of moral violations against others. Vengeance can be seen as petty and thus sort of a sign of weakness. Punishing an "evildoer" on behalf of others displays more authority, and even sets one up as a kind of societal arbiter of justice.

Oooh, I've been meaning to dive into 69 Love Songs again myself.

Helping to crush the popular struggle for German unification in 1848 only to unify Germany in 1871 under complete Prussian domination, carving up France in the process, certainly makes you a real bastard in my book. Still a hell of a lot better than Hitler, though.

I don't doubt that the Kulturkampf was even more dramatic in some ways. Bismarck didn't fuck around.

Always picking a fight with the Catholic Church, Hitler. Although some elements of the Church were all too willing to throw the match to you, last round…

To see a man become an animal…oh, it is too awful for words. *runs way weeping*

I will defer to your authority, four eyes.