Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Say what you will about the musical theories of Richard Wagner, at least they're an ethos.

Glasses are a beautiful adornment of heavenly grace, and don't you dare say otherwise!

Aww, what a lovely kid. He has a promising future ahead of him, I'll reckon.

BB8 is positively charming. I'll take him over a bunch of snaps, pratfalls, and kablooey's.

Hey, I'm also drinking a form of whiskey! We have so much in common, all of a sudden.

Ironically, despite their relatively advanced hygienic practices, the Romans were a pretty filthy, louse ridden people compared to many of their non-bathing neighbors. I believe this has a great deal to do with their failure to correctly manage human waste.

Well, if he wins, it will finally be the turn of leftists and liberals to desperately hoard guns to protect them from the government.


It was literally called "ilDuce2016"!

I haven't seen Tangled, shamefully, but Bolt is a very pretty looking animated film.

God, 2 million people in relation to what the overall population must have been in antiquity is utterly gargantuan. It was really nice to get a sense of what the overall architectural unity of the city might have been like at the time.

Honestly, I'll probably vote for Jill Stein, but I might have voted for Jill Stein in the general anyway, if Bernie had been the nominee. I don't live in a swing state, so my vote couldn't matter less. Ironically, the fact that Stein has no shot makes my individual vote feel more important, as the size of the national

He has so many skeletons he should be a pushover, but I think his support base won't care, and if Trump's skilled at anything, it's controlling the media narrative about himself.

I've talked to some Sanders supporters and they seem convinced Sanders won't endorse Clinton. I have no idea why. He's endorsed every other Democratic presidential candidate and he's basically said he would.

True. Mormon history is sort of a brief, American parody of Jewish history.

I forgot about Bloomberg. What a villain.

He's definitely gives the opinion of being pretty provincial in his view of international affairs; this would be less of a problem if he was deliberately running to the left of Clinton on foreign policy, but he seems to have deliberately blurred the lines between them on that regard. His idea to expand the role of

Hey, Jews are less hated than Mormons! Who would've thought?

The thing is, Trump seems to generate much more outright fear and loathing among his opponents than I can imagine would be true of Sanders, even if he does champion a brand of "vanilla socialism". As long as Democrats didn't defect to Trump or stay home en masse, I would think Sanders would have had decent odds

That's true enough, but given that one of the few things most voters know about Sanders is the socialist label associated with him, which is highly charged with negative associations in its own right, it's hard to see how much worse the scandal mongers would be able to dig up. Sanders aura as a very forthright person