Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Kanye's tweeting has created an awfully unpleasant environment around the release, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't incredibly excited.

Yeah, speaking of their pattern of moviemaking in such strict chronological terms seems misleading to me, even if some good points are made. The two examples of pairs you give have far meatier connections to each other than most in the article, I think.

But the ends towards which autotune is used in hip hop at least don't seem to have all that much to do with the actual ability to sing. I mean, non autotuned singing has a completely different sound, so i don't see how the two things would achieve comparable effects. Complaining seems to be missing the point entirely.

They literally had the devil express approval for the police, without a tinge of irony? The show itself sounds truly Satanic…

I was reading the other day how Malick apparently edited the Thin Red Line with absolutely no sound, with Green Day in the background the whole time, and somehow that seems even more inharmonious with how I think of the man and his work.

The fact that the theme song is not "Fuck the Police" or something along the lines tells you all you need to know about the show's failure.

Pretty sure it literally can't be enforced, legally.

Pretty much everyone gave aesthetic reasons as well, though. Lindelof gave nothing but aesthetic reasons.

In general, I don't think unethical behavior or disagreeable politics have a particularly large impact on my ability to enjoy or at least appreciate an artist's work. In any case, it's not even necessary that a particular work needs to be likable in itself to be in some sense artistically satisfying. But I would be…

Tonally, they couldn't be more different, but both are set at the same fictitious studio, so I wouldn't think people finding connections are odd.

All you need to do is retcon the Creature as some sort of giant.

Yeah, not sure how much sense bringing him back makes.

I don't think Neighbors 2 looked bad, but I'm biased because I legitimately found the first film very enjoyable.


I would think OB,WAT would be their prettiest film!

I think my impression of it is hurt by the fact that it feels less like a Coen Brothers movie than any of their other films, I think. It's definitely far from their worst, but their style feels so much less distinct there.

Impressive! Though, on the other hand, I rarely quote non-Stevens poets in comparison. I'll have to switch up my style and see if your ear remains impeccable.

Huzzah! There's hope for you yet.

The listener, who, nothing himself, beholds
nothing that is not there and the nothing that is.

Phoenix. A remarkably powerful film.