Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Based on his piece about sweatshops a while back, I assume he loves the forced labor/enslavement of "inferior races". Efficient!

Fuck you, you pig piece of shit. Choke on your own misery.

I'm going to end up doing this list desperately within a few hours of it being due, and I'm totally going to get the math wrong again. I can see the disaster coming, and theoretically I could avert it by working on it ahead of time, but a leopard cannot change its spots, and I feel that my doom is fated.

Man, I would have loved to see what that boxing club would have done to those clowns.

J. Hoberman called A Serious Man nazi pornography just because he thought he could get away with it. Fuck that shit.

lol, can you imagine if he drowned. best day ever


Good to hear. I had been planning to watch it when it came out. I might check out the first episode tonight.

Damn. I saw Out 1 just last Sunday. Superb artist.

I'm not as cosmopolitan in my cultural life as I would like to be, or would sometimes pretend to be. Excluding the culture of the USA, which is undeniably the soil from which my spirit springs forth, I feel love for and identification with Italy, greatly admiring what little of their cinema and national literature

You keep on alluding to that film. I don't think that film means what you think it means.

In fairness, it can be hard to control how close you get to the animals when in a setting like that (I myself have been personally accosted by sea turtles and sea otters) , and if any violation of animal welfare is going to be committed by people otherwise devoted to it, it's that one.

I saw that on her Wikipedia page! And it's a highly appropriate homage given that film's heavy allusions to the New Wave era.

I liked her in Masculin, féminin


Tropic Thunder has Tom Cruise's all time best performance. It deserves more respect.

Perhaps a minor detail, but Crass of all bands got their name from Ziggy Stardust.

The hashtag kind of sucks but I love the picture, which sort of vindicates the hashtag.

Malick was way more like us than we could have possibly imagined.

Just on time, buddy. Just on time.