Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Irony isn't dead, it's just that the irony of the non fictive world has outpaced the irony of its counterpart in bitterness and nihilistic humor.

I thought it was great how enmeshed this episode was with the prior events and themes of the season. It was a fantastic way to essentially set up an entirely new direction by revitalizing the emotional arc, and I'm really excited to see where it goes.

The sad thing is, based on recent evidence, Trump is smarter than Cruz.

OMG I can't wait.

In my experience you're mostly right.

He barely resembles a human being.

I'll look anywhere, so long as it isn't at you. *turns away*

No, but the problem which led to the bigger problem was a low hanging pipe on the bottom springing a leak, which happened to my sister when she "inherited" the car. This time it was fixed within the necessary time span.

I'm sure those supporters would willing lay down their lives for their Beloved Leader.


Smug assholes. How dare they. The intellectual class are a gang of criminals, in some ways. I don't care how that sounds.

I certainly do. I do indeed. Oh my. What a piece of work is man. What pieces of work are cars.

He can be divisive. I felt more conflicted about Anomalisa than most of his other work, for whatever that is worth. Adaptation is, to be frank, a personal favorite.

I don't know the solution to the problem you pose, but I feel it is indeed a problem.

Always thinking about yourself! I guess you can never get enough when you have 77 damn Stephen's to narcissistically contemplate.

That's kind of a cruel irony on his end, eh.

Whiskey upon whiskey upon whiskey!

Pssh, whiskey, you fool.

He who is tired of Wallace Stevens is tired of life.

We'll know that we are truly lost when we can no longer render the dystopia of fascism and chaos that is American politics into beautiful music.