Jacques-Louis Douchebag

No one should be there at all, but point well taken.

Populist conservatism is nothing more than the cocaine of the American far right. In other words, Palin herself is a drug, and if she exhibits symptoms of consumption of another drug, one should not be surprised, for there is no reference point for Palin from the perspective of mental sobriety.

Sounds like a pretty accurate representation of the Seattle experience.

It's a reality TV coalition.

Two of my friends said that movie was great today. Were they lying?

Orthodox Freudianism forever!

If he had slain my glorious and esteemed pooch for Brand or A Doll's House, let it be known that my pain and rage still would sear my very flesh. But to have slain my dog to create the obscure and adolescent Cataline, this, this I cannot bear.

It's too late, to be grateful.

Station to Station is a work of genius, and I am willing to give the lyrics it contains my trust, so long as they are not too implausible. Mere cocaine could not birth such a magnificent cacophony of sounds and conceptions.

I can't wait until Sanders brings on a glorious economic revolution inspired by those bastions of bold, audacious, world shaking people's revolution, the Scandinavian countries! #FullScandanavianism(this hashtag seems more racist than I initially intended)

Wait till Sanders winds up losing and becoming an integral part of Clinton's campaign for the presidency once the primary is over, cynically transferring all the enthusiasm his own campaign generated over to his one time opponent.

Well, the line's implication is that cocaine is the first and likeliest cause to spring to mind, only being rejected in favor of love upon further and deeper consideration of the matter.

It helps that I think the film's overall perspective is ultimately closest to his own, of the three characters.

Opposition to the oppression of women and the forms of that oppression
It would depend on the reasons, but in general perfectly acceptable
Not necessarily
Not necessarily
Not necessarily

Tempted to write the rest of the song, tbh.

I had a long and complicated dream that seemed to involve a mental equation between Bob Dylan and Ralph Waldo Emerson, and eventually led me to watch the beginning to a video for a little known (and imaginary) Bruce Springsteen song called "Nazis", and the video had him surrounded by neo nazi types while he played

Awww, this message does not sting, but sweetens my day, dear friend.

I will do all I can to achieve victory and establish an imperium there.

I'll never forgive you for your horrid violation of my dignity. We are now enemies, you and I.

You're the real miraculous son of a bitch! May all the angels and gods and the one true god bless you!