Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Mad, Bad, And Dangerous to Know:The Byron Chronicles

I actually kind of agree that the Amadeus version of Mozart is kind of reductive/overly dualistic between man and work, but I do like the attack on the kind of angelic image of the great composer, particularly because it annoys people like Thatcher.

Talkin Body is great. Tove Lo is great. The live version is great. God is great. Humanity, his foremost creation, is great.

I feel like a full on cameo might have been weirdly distracting depending on how it was executed, given the similarities between Liv and Veronica as characters. It might have worked if Bell was the villain, actually.

Vapidly commenting on your neighbor's moral horrors while strolling along on your horse is the perfect emblem of that social circle, really.

"I am like ripe shit, and the world is like a gigantic asshole"-Martin Luther

I don't think ISIS is particularly anti gun or cares about people slandering Obama.

And this is crazy
But here's my own soul
Have mercy maybe?

It is indeed! Thanks man.

I like Louise Brooks's look, but I can see how that would be undesirable in your situation.

Soldiers, fire!

From what I understand rip currents can be pretty unstoppable as a destructive force.. My sister's a pretty good swimmer, and maybe could have just swam to shore if she hadn't tried to steer the paddle board. I think this was a strong current but not particularly fast, thankfully.

You would think speaking English would be a useful qualification for that job, but I guess the more important thing was a knowledge of thermodynamics.

Yep. It's already at the point where it just feels like a funny anecdote, but at the time it was not very pleasant, to say the least. Possibly even worse for those of us on shore than my sister, since she was out of view for a considerable time, though that's hard to say.

Oh. Did you all just communicate through equations and charts and such?

Yep, right as rain. She just wasn't able to steer the board back to shore and was stuck out there. Dad cut himself on some rocks trying to signal her.

Was it a foreign language class?

The police and fire department of Maui had to be called to rescue my sister from the ocean today, during a failed paddle boarding experiment. Scariest Boxing Day ever!

Is it weird that the fact Napoleon put the guy who tried to kill the Duke of Wellington in his will only makes me even fonder of the Emperor?