Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Not showing the proper fear and awe towards such a formidable figure as Stingo, imo.

I'll keep that in mind!

I should cook more! My parents helped me buy some cooking materials for my apartment, but I haven't prepared anything extensive. It would be a very nice skill for me to develop, I think.

You're his less fancy, presumably less culinarily creative Hannibal, and he is your tragic and broken Will Graham.

I very much appreciate the cynicism of that hypothesis. It could well be true.

I take you on all the time casually, and Semi doesn't seem very impressed…

Honestly watching you change Narwhal like this has been a horrifying spectacle. Once he would have shown you nothing but contempt, and now he has stooped to defending the honor of a Canadian. I shudder to think what psychological horrors you have inflicted on your students if you can break the spirit of a proud Texan

There's some pretty epic drama going on at the time between Jefferson and the whole Judicial Branch, which was of course headed by his legendary distant cousin, John Marshall. John Marshall wound up establishing the principle that federal courts could summon the President and demand evidence while personally heading

Jefferson initially ignored Burr after the run off and deliberately isolated him, but he needed Burr to conduct the trial in the way he wanted to get rid of Chase. So there was a big courtship period in the run up to the trial. The idea was presumably to wine and dine Burr until he would sway the Senate against Chase.

Federalists were somewhat understandably upset, since the impression they got was Jefferson was doing this as a way of thanking Burr for killing his political rival. In actuality the reason was because Burr, as President of the Senate, would be overseeing the impeachment trial of Justice Samuel Chase, a staunch

Hey, he probably just wanted to be a garden variety king or some such. And I still maintain he probably wanted nothing more than to invade Mexico.

Parmesan is certainly in its proper place.

It actually winds up being a pretty tragic work imo, maybe more tragic than it knows itself to be, but that's much more an Act 2 thing.

Those charges were dropped pretty quickly and were only in a few states. He went back to Washington DC right after and got invited to the White House a bunch of times. Jefferson and Madison were way nicer to him in the period immediately following the duel than they had been before or since really.

One of my closest in person friends also really loves magic Mike XXL, so I have little excuse not to see it.

I think it would be kind of great if there was just a casual remark by a minor character confirming the theory, about how Jar-Jar was a diabolical Sith lord who engineered the events of the franchise up to that point, and then it was never brought up again.

I don't really think of Fargo as a dark cable drama but point taken.

Love it. I understand if this puts you off.

Happy birthday, Tags!

He'll come back as hailstorms, to ruin all our forms, leave a blanket of ice on the ground.