Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Haha, those fuckers really like to milk their franchises for all they are worth. As opposed to just focusing on one important game at a time. *coughs* Kingdom Hearts

Summon all the courage you require.

Yeah, sounds like things got awkward at a few moments, but I believe he still got an ovation at the end.

This is a fair point.

It seems like the Republican Jewish Coalition barely cared about his out of control speech, so the party will probably get all the votes they were gonna get from us anyway.

Dark ages are underrated tbh.

why is the Americans so high. that show is just pretty good. above mad men. why. why god. why. even bojack is far better.

We're not a very big voting pool, alas.

I assume so. Millennials are hip about these things.

Peepleology is the new Phrenology

Yeah, I sort of was creeped out by Simpson's behavior towards Trish well before he turned but Trish herself seemed to like him well enough that I wasn't sure exactly how I was supposed to take him. And then his shift happens quickly and is drug induced so it's hard to read how in control or responsible Simpson is for

I like Hamilton and Burr bonding over that. I find it weirdly sweet despite the macho posturing involved.

I am not affiliated with this cynical advertising scheme!

That character was kind of weird tbh

I'm slowly working my way through a PS3 port of FFVII. But I actually haven't gotten to it for a few days. I've enjoyed a lot of the little touches, though.

For sure. I think my personal favorite is "Your Obedient Servant" for the mix of emotional intensity and catchiness.

Sweet Jesus.

I also really like the "Hamilton gets himself killed" trilogy of "The Election of 1800/Your Obedient Servant/The World Was Wide Enough".


A bit late, but happy birthday, Jay Z.