Jacques-Louis Douchebag

I haven't watched this season, though I was a big fan of last season. I liked this post for repeated use of the word hella on principle, though.

In fairness, it's a rare show that's more worth your time than random Rachel Bloom videos.

I'm sorry to hear that, man. I am sending loads of good vibes to you.

I took it the same way. He also had what seemed like a sincere conversation about divorce with the dickish PI earlier in the season. His surprise at tearing up seemed entirely genuine to me in any case.

I feel like the persona would have denied it, but you make a fair point.


Damn it, now they're starting to piss me off.

To the extent I have a best friend, they are a composite figure, of one or two of my real life friends, my pets, perhaps my sister, one or two of you saps, and my favorite singers, writers, actors etc…

How on God's green Earth can a terror alert be Certain? Your whole government should be fired.


No one is scared of us losers in the first list.

Well, sure. It's still an open military confrontation between Russia and NATO. Whether it in and of itself sets off a war isn't really what's at stake.

Well, many of his positions are more or less technically "centrist", at least compared to the Republican field, so the main area you would expect to see such a centrist repositioning is in rhetoric, which would hurt him in every way and fail to help him in any aspect. And the media exposure had worked for them so far,

You're basing that on what, though? He's done more to indicate interest in winning the office than Bernie.

You don't really want to wake up to the news of a Russian jet being shot out of the sky…

It was never an ear infection, but a virus which caused inflammation in my ears as well as my throat. It may well have taken my mind from me.

Take that, Mom, you yoga loving, Root hating witch! *bursts into tears*

It made some weird kind of Freudian sense!

Since I'm going back to my home city for Thanksgiving on Wednesday, I very much hope to have made a full recovery by then. I wish you good health as well.

No other city has such nice apartments at such low, low prices!