Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Some combination of Jessica Jones, Community, possibly the Taiwanese drama the Wayward Cloud, and old episodes of Angel.

I wish Netflix would at least finally upload Season 4, like they were supposed to in September. I too miss Root and Bear terribly.

I'm doing what I can! I thank you for your concern, and hopefully I will be in good health soon.

Apocalypse literally means "revelation"! Revelations are good. Ergo, apocalypses are celebratory and joyous.

*"Times are changing; murder is cool now", the man said, as he bashed the toddler's head in while his horrified mother watched*

I'm just cranky because I'm very sick. The book actually sounds very appealing.


Yeah, but who can have a perfect marriage, really?

Yeah, clearly the point is sheer intimidation more than anything else. Part of the function of the surveillance state is the sheer feeling of vulnerability it fosters in the populace, I would think.

This kind of stuff is the reason we should all stay inside of our house, desperately searching for bugs and cameras.

Two spies are better than one, I guess.

I wonder what the ratio is between the amount of time various governments spend infiltrating various left wing cells and the actual crimes those groups commit. It must be a vast gulf. I doubt most of these groups are even that effective at anti government activism, so even the most cynical motivations make these

Yeah, because who do you know better/knows you better than your spouse, at least ideally? If they have malicious intentions towards you and you didn't know them at all, it's hard to think of other individuals who would, in the abstract at least, be any worthier of trust. I think it would break me.

They really like superhero affiliated shows, eh.

Yeah, I mean, I guess I knew that was "part" of his plan while watching it. But somehow until the finale it seemed like there would end up being more to it than that. I mean, he was just on a crusade to gentrify? What kind of villain is so devoted to some sort of inherent nobility of gentrification?

I haven't seen Ep 4 yet, but I should note I actually really enjoyed the way Daredevil subtly used the battle of New York as a plot point. Setting up real estate as a major villainous factor in the wake of such destruction t is cleverly mundane.

Somehow I missed that! Thanks (though my eyes hurt after reading most of that).

We should help India colonize the UK. It would be karmically just and maybe they could knock some sense into that barbaric populace.

What even was Fisk's "ultimate plan", exactly? I feel like Daredevil kind of screwed up the endgame of his character. His apparent motivation of helping the city suggested there was more to his future goals than what we had seen before, but they went nowhere surprising with that. And the final conflict plays out in