Jacques-Louis Douchebag

I have to say, it irks me that after trolling the Return of Kings boards that one time, my Disqus profile still lists that as one of my "frequented communities". Ah well.

It's 2015. Why are we talking about Bitcoin?

He's a real sweet looking creature. I wouldn't mind sharing some candy with him myself.

Something about that story is very Southern, in a way I can't quite determine.

Happy birthday, comrade! I'll watch Intro to Stats tomorrow in your honor.

God bless you, sir.

"How to Date Natalie Dormer" will always be one of my favorite AV Club ads.


1 point. Such a little thing makes such a big difference.

I appreciate the compliment, Narrator. You're pretty smart too!

I think Zoooropa and Pop are the two most enjoyable U2 albums. I either have some mental affliction or everyone else does, I guess. And "Lemon" is their best song.


I like that they keep giving Toy Story 4 as an option…

Thank you, sir.

Emerson has some interesting commentary about meat eating somewhere. I want to say Fate?

I'm not even much of an Adele fan, but that's an insult to Adele.

I liked her in Inherent Vice for sure. I don't know her music that well, but what I've heard didn't have a massively positive impression on me.

I saw that in a theater! It was kind of impressive, even if I have mixed feelings about Newsom's music.

Xi is a hip, new style Communist President, I'm sure he's cool with it! He references House of Cards, so you know he's in touch with the global proletariat.

The Chinese game show?