Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Awww, he's powerless! Adorable.

My dogs are Miniature Pinscher-Poodle mixes primarily (they might have some other shit going on in their blood stream), and they do like to chase squirrels and shit. Ginger killed a rat her first week home, and proudly presented to my mother in the house. They have a background as rat hunters and luckily their prey

#FreeRats #RatLiberationFront #SayNotoRatMassacres

I feel like there are some good reasons to feel that the Canadian government legitimizing loss of citizenship as a legal penalty is a precedent that immigrants should rightly be wary of, no?

Look, say what you will about Mussolini, but at least he'd shake things up for those fat-cats in Rome!

I genuinely think he's stupider than his brother. I say that with utmost sincerity.

The sad thing is, while he's by far the most overtly anti intellectual of the candidates, I suspect he's actually one of the smarter (or at least shrewder) candidates of the bunch. He seems to know exactly what he's doing and remains in control of his message in almost all situations. His combination of radical,

A country with almost unprecedented global influence and power! If he wins, he's practically your President as much as ours, Semi. Think of it and weep.

I'm not entirely sure political experience is, compared to lots of other factors, an important qualification for leadership. There are lots of people with tremendous skill at politics who are too ambitious to spend a great deal of time developing political experience in a relatively subordinate position. Surely Trump

I think it's pretty clear that Rubio is the *best* candidate from an Establishment position, but the question is if he can appeal to the party base as much as he might appeal to the electorate generally. Cruz might do a better job there, as I can see him campaigning on his extremist credentials in the primary and

The party establishment almost certainly doesn't want him to be the nom, and they have some power to keep him from the nom. But what people seem to be missing is that they don't have UNLIMITED power to keep him from the nom. If he has a mandate from the Republican electorate in the primaries, the party elites will

I've kept laughing for a while, but my laugh has had a nervous inflection almost from the beginning. The danger and hurtfulness of Trump's appeal on immigration are too close to home, and too near the bone.

What people who dismiss Trump's chances of winning the primary based on his probable lack of electability in the general election seem to be missing is that he's not *perceived* as unelectable by the Republican electorate. There are many probable reasons why he won't win the primary, but it does not seem like

I wish you an utterly happy and serene birthday, despite your lack of appreciation for my prior avatar and unjustified hatred for my current one. Fare well, my foil.

Sounds about right!

I have, on occasion, but only through tremendous effort and very great courage.

I probably have a whole legion of children spread across the seven continents. Whenever one dies off, another will take its place. They will breed, and whatever of me remains in my descendants will never vanish from the Earth.

How dare you. I would be an excellent father. For all you or I know, I already am one.

This is all just a slippery slope to polygamy, I tell you!

This is kind of ironic in relation to my recent post near the top. Oh well. I'm a fraud and a hypocrite.