Jacques-Louis Douchebag

Gifs, however, are not a mistake.

controversial opinion: the whole internet was a mistake

The GOP are just the Kubrick of politics, apparently.

I see how it is. Kill Alexander Hamilton one time and no one bothers to remember your name.


The g at the end of the address is missing, but I figured it out!

Why not be safe, and do both?

I'm not actually snarking. The concept is not unrelated to some of the mythology of the story I mentioned a few days ago, Sol Invictus.

I mean, there is truth to that. Why shouldn't a word mean both one thing and also the opposite thing, really? Maybe all words do.

In fairness, Ontario's motto means "loyal she began, loyal she remains", so our regional stereotyping was not without basis. Tinychat is rather analogous to the British empire, with less genocide.

My name is not Stingo!

That dinosaur game you can play in Chrome when the wi fi breaks sure is fun.

Wow, Semi finally succeeded at killing a person. Who would have thought it would be Narwhal before Pulp?

Typical Blazer, cheering on from the sidelines. Why don't you take some action of your own for once?

I see your point.

Not that I even necessarily disagree, but at what point did Spielberg go from being a hugely successful director who wasn't a sellout to a hugely successful director who was a sellout? Dreamworks? Jurassic Park? Schindler's?

Yeah, well, Kubrick was scared of Spielberg too. I'm in good company!

Emerson was wrong about some things. As proof, here's something he wrote about you:
"Narwhal is among the noblest men I have ever known. Never have I seen him act without honor or integrity. He is a living monument to Fate and Power."


That appears to be a kitten, and not, therefore, a cat.