
Til you get the cop that decides to help himself along by dropping a baggie of crystal in your backseat.

Yeah, Sean, it could totally be worse! What if your kid was asking to hear Lemon Incest like this creep’s kid?

Ok, then how about “Two Princes” by the Spin Doctors?!? It’s rootsy, hacky-sack pop at its 90's finest (worst).

Not seeking recommendations on how to get my kid deeper into Blues Traveler at this time, thanks.

Unregistered firearms, obviously.

Yeah, it was kinda unclear. The new Clementine might’ve been rolled out on the showroom floor after this whole robo-revolution thing happened. She was even spouting Clementine’s old speech about ‘not having much of a rind on you’ or whatever.

They really missed the opportunity to title this “Random Access Memoirs of a Geisha.”

Maeve’s newfound abilities, which seem to allow her to see into a hosts mind, could be a very convenient way for her to understand what Delos is up to if she gets in the vicinity of Abernathy.

Wu-Tang is for the robots.

“Can’t you... say something to them?”

If we were invaded by an alien species and had to show one piece of visual art to prove our worthiness to live this would be my choice. It will most likely either blow their minds or put them to sleep, either way it gives us a chance...

Hopefully they’ll send out and you or io9 will cover a press release regarding which theaters will be showing the film. I’m thinking that I’ll have to drive an hour and I don’t subscribe to that city’s paper or often go past their theater marquees.

A rectified Cinerama 70mm version of 2001 played in St. Louis for about a year when I was a kid. It’s the only way I’ve ever seen it.

Every time Heywood Floyd is not in the scene, the characters should be asking “Where’s Heywood?”


You joke, but my god if I could find a woman who was willing to lecture me about photochemical printing for twenty minutes, I would propose to her right then and there.

Jupiter is a gas giant.

The new recliners at AMC theaters have a vacuum system designed by NASA to suck farts out of the cushions. They subsidize them by selling bottles of the fart-imbued exhaust to GameStop, which then pipes it through their HVAC for that authentic “mom’s basement” atmosphere they’re known for. Synergy!

My God, it’s full of *farts*