
I didn’t find myself missing Miller during the scenes with the core cast. I did miss him, a lot, in Jian-Yang’s subplot. That character is so deadpan. I’d never realized the extent to which Jian’s comedic moments relied on having a bombastic maniac like Erlich overreacting to him, or having Jian contemptuously under-

This is a pretty plot-driven show where the jokes and drama are supposed to come from the characters having obstacles put in their paths (or getting in their own way) and then having to figure out how to move forward. So the subplots need to have some internal logic to them so we understand the stakes. It’s not that


Jian-Yang calling the guys “a victim of a circumstance” before blowing a cigarette and shutting the door on them was the perfect dick move to close the episode out on. I can only imagine how fast it’s gonna be before he fucks that house up beyond repair.

“Banksy the vandal?”

My family was in Germany during the war and their strategy of keeping their heads down and hoping it would pass didn’t work. By 1945 most of the homes and the family business had been bombed into the ground and most of the men had died or disappeared in Russia.

The respite for me is laughing at Tim Robbins.

I was 22 when WotW was released, and I’d already seen plenty of the “scariest” films ever made.

Yep, I think if he went the whole mile and didn’t have have that sappy ending, it would habe been a perfect horror movie that left you devastated afterwards.

I totally agree with you, and I really wish that I had not known that line was coming before I saw Jaws for the first time.

Obviously, we don’t know what really happened but I remember TJ and his wife both stating that the woman who was accusing him had a history of trying to ruin their relationship together and that she was making some stuff up. I’m not sure who to really believe but the fact that (so far) it’s just the one woman accusing

Lazy ethnic jokes? Maybe Jian-Yang is offensive to your wokeness and white guilt, but as a Chinese-American person who was a born and raised in an Asian community with a significant immigrant population like Jian-Yang, I find his portrayal to be hilariously accurate.

I really feel he could have better illustrated his point with an exotic animal, of some sort!

Being born in ‘81, I still find that sketchy. Those who speak of the micro-generation in between X and Millenials have it right - analog childhood, digital adulthood. There’s a huge gulf between the experiences of someone born in ‘81 and someone born in ‘91.

Hemorrhaging money, they lost $4.5 Billion last year.

Opening note: Alongside one of those Tesla semi-trucks you can see the Facebook logo flash into Russian characters for a moment.

Sure, I wonder, but for now that’s all it is: wondering. It may be that it was the main reason he was fired, or it may be that the creators/show runners knew about it and overlooked it until his on-set behavior became too much, or it may be that they knew nothing about it until afterward. The point of kped’s comment

He wasn’t really fired though. He was publicly saying he wanted out, and then they agreed to let him leave. So no, i never wondered about it, his desire to leave was quite well known.

Sure, but we don’t have any reason to suspect that this alleged incident from when he was in college was known by anyone working on the show at the time, so why speculate that Judge and others just don’t care about sexual assault? I mean...they might not, but this story doesn’t tell us anything.

Facts schmacts!