
This is like when that wannabe dictator signed Hershel Walker.

Surprise twist: it turns out Sherlock was the Hound the entire time

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Man, the A.V. Club are really sticking it to this Sherlock Holmes guy this week.

The opening shots of Dillon driving an airboat through the Nawlins bayou swamps,”

Shit, I’d keep calling them Left Chad and Right Chad just to fuck with them.

“Computer, show me the most A.V. Club headline possible”

I thought we were talking about kidnapping.

I got some flatwounds the other day, when I got beaten up by a pancake.

So... it was filmed in southern Russia?

It exists. It’s called Klezmer Punk.

Never Mind the Christian Rock. Here’s the Bollocks.

Now playing

you made me think of this scene from mtm:

If you mean to suggest that there are also films devoted entirely to single good songs, then I agree.

How could you possibly know what website she’s looking at right now?

The other hand was almost cut off with a samurai sword.

I come from a big christian music town, and for all the people over, say, 40 who do that, U2 hit them like a ton of bricks. U2 WAS a christian act as far as they were concerned — expressly religious, singing about moral issues, etc. Evangelicals ate it up. I couldn’t possibly care less about this ridiculous band or

Liberal Sex Dog had to grow that hand, just to make the point. Paws don’t cut it.

I was able to wing chun my way to survival

Christ, what an asshole.