But there was dialog. She got the depth of being a cowardly “tall, helmeted person” who got her ass kicked.
But there was dialog. She got the depth of being a cowardly “tall, helmeted person” who got her ass kicked.
I’m not sure she was quite a name when The Force Awakens was cast. She was doing Game of Thrones but I’m not sure that was far enough along for her to have truly broken out. And everybody will do thankless bit parts in Star Wars. If nothing else it guarantees you’ll always have con invites. Sure it’s not as much money…
Not even tokenism. This is more a case of an empty symbolic gesture. Doing almost exactly no actual good.
And the Androids from I, Mudd catch fire.
I think you might be right.
I don’t use it so I couldn’t say. Maybe less shady. Maybe a good deal shadier. Maybe just about as shady.
Could be.
Dunno. Maybe because it’s not on your phone?
Probably more like loyin than lyin’. Sorry.
Venmo is an app for transferring money. Paypal on your phone more or less.
Why decided? Why not decided!
Clearly it’s a thing. Whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing is a bit ambiguous but it’s a thing that happens in the world we inhabit.
They occasionally make it into my feed.
QueenVic likes to get Driled I guess.
Is Something Awful even still a thing?
I just gnu I’d find a pun thread here.
She’s like 30 now and still hasn’t learned how to walk or talk. She is a Republican!
I’m Ted Cruz. And so is my wife!
Her flow on Tell Mama was epic!
Yeah and the Republican Party call themselves patriots. Saying it doesn’t make it true.