It’s a common name.
It’s a common name.
Well the eastern half of the empire. Calling them Roman when they gave approximately zero fucks about the actual city of Rome seems a bit of a stretch.
It’s spending a year dead for tax purposes.
“Coal with a good press agent.”
Foktonne metric?
Your car? How big is your lap?
In this case - considering Schrodinger is stuffing a cat, a vial of poison, and a lump of radium in a box, closing it, and wondering if the cat is alive or dead - the scientist is the monster.
We are talking about a perfect world.
There’s a fundamental disconnect here. Michael Bay makes crap very competently - I have in the past referred to him as an exceptional second unit director - but Wiseau and Boll are both Auteurs of Awful. No amount of competent directing will elevate their genius for ineptitude. It could only make things worse. Now…
In a perfect world? Tommy would direct Uwe.
Ah, I get it. When you say stupid you mean smart. Very clever.
It’s a reference to the Simpsons episode titled “Bart to the Future” (aired March 19th 2000) In which Lisa Simpson is elected after President Trump causes a budget crisis. So while I applaud your ability to tell the difference between a cartoon and reality I have to dock you several thousand points for missing the…
The man can afford lots of really good drugs. It’s impressive he sobered up at all. He certainly doesn’t have to.
Eh, they went pop pretty quick but their punk stuff is mostly alright. I’ll defend anything up to and maybe a little past Under a Blood Red Sky.
I only watch them for the articles.
It’s called a joke son.
Not yet.
It’s the same sad song. Another company drowning under the effects of unsustainable debt.
One sex tape is a publicity stunt. Two sex tapes is a porn career.
They can walk away any time but they love the attention and they love the money. Save your pity for for people who deserve it.