
i'm just unhappy that one can't swipe stuff around with the mouse. stupid scrollbars.

how about trying and getting used to it? maybe the changes are actually a GOOD THING? why so fucking negative?

how about trying out win8 first instead of castrating it directly? how about forcing you one month to explore and put to use the new one, instead of sticking in old mindets and habits.

no, works just as it worked in win7 for me. press win, type cmd, press enter, and i'm on the command line. as a simple example.

i can press the winkey, enter the application name, and press enter in win8. still works. just now on the metro screen.

and for that you still NAVIGATE trough it? seriously?

no, it's actually the os booting faster.

actually, boottime IS faster, as it boots an image of a fully up and running system (hibernation of the system part), which means only loading some 100ts of mb of data, max. then it tells every service that it got a fresh start, and they restart again.

so... when will netflix be in europe?

most sex in prisons is not for breeding. don't bend down for the soap if it drops!

and wave was at least something new and fresh (in theory, the web app around it was crap, but the technology idea was great)

i like this with windows live and windows phone 7.5. i can chat with people on facebook, or on msn, and if on the phone on sms as if it's all one thing. i guess and hope they continue to merge skype into that. i definitely hate multiple apps for the same things.

final nail for the flash coffin? finally

it's missing every kind of end user app. this is a developer preview. it's the core os, all there to learn to develop for it, but not much more. wait for the beta to see much more of it, i guess.

well, as it'll be free, just like it is for years now (express editions), it's worth a try. in general, visual studio is about the best environment to develop in. and html5 using blend and visual studio might just be the most awesome way to work on html (finally, if you worked with xaml/silverlight/c# for a while,

gladly, they fixed a lot of this on the os level (as discussed today), and support arm, which fixes this at the hardware level (as you know, from your ipad). even intel showed today the future of their hw, where even core processors can idle down enough to let you be connected for weeks.

find out later today by downloading the developer build.

the bezel is part of the ui, and looks actually thinner than the one of the ipad.

when you press the win-key, you go to the new full screen startmenu, which is the new tablet ui.

I looove the easter bunny pics. Pedobunny it is.