i like the idea. but the picture scares me to death. at least, nearly.
i like the idea. but the picture scares me to death. at least, nearly.
for me, it's mainly guest mode. a friend wants to quickly check it's mail or fb or whatever? open a new incognito window, let the friend use it as he/she wants, and then close it. never affects any of your logins, and everything they did is gone, so it's safe for them, too.
and the actual windows time (not the hp boot logo from the bios/efi) is even shorter (much shorter)
so having to use this to show files than two clicks in the ribbon is better? (esp on a BIG screen where this window is tiny as hell)??
explorer. always there for you, works fine enough for up/downloads. and my dev ide for websites has it's own upload/publish mechanism anyways.
why not just plug both into the router/connect both to the wireless, and copy over network? there might be reasons, but typically, i'm always just amazed in how many people don't know that this just works.
exactly. my 1ghz single core runs mango perfectly smooth. and why? because it's hw specified to run everything smooth. just like for your ipad. just like on consoles. fixed baseline == no need for dick-measuring, everything 'just works'. android lacks that. and i couldn't care less.
the irony is, wp7 is on 'what is considered crap hardware' from android users. why? because android runs like CRAP on such hardware. single core 1ghz? no, you need 1.2ghz dualcore at least.
Finally. Retailers are absolutely terrible at windows phone 7. All they want to sell me is the galaxy s2, always (or an iphone4 as the other option).
have they stated in their safety manual that you should not put it onto a shark? if not, you know what to do!
I just clicked for the Panda :) and it was worth it. Happy weekend
i actually haven't noted it as obvious myself. it reminded me of the dell xps instead (the silver caught me).
a lot of people can't see the pixels there. remember how many set the resolution back on high dpi screens as their first task (ever worked in support? people still use 1024x something resolution on a fullhd screen!).
for a typical tech reporter on a gadget site or tech magazine, everything is always a mac copy.
i just hate it when people praise god for stuff he didn't do.
no. nature is.
tennant to smith was an accident, he wasn't aware (and ready) to actually be reborn. thus smith got this "i think i'm great but i don't really remember" childish feel to himself, because he actually is.
I want it to be Rory. he's so great at being good, I want him to be as great at being bad. And he has enough reasons.
some of the previews of the whole series suggest that no, they don't accept "rory and amy can't raise their child, that's how it has to be" at all. so there's hope.