1:24 Knights of ren?
1:24 Knights of ren?
What’s the point of the cellphone at the end?
http://store.steampowered.com/app/266170/ i see some similarities..
Thank you for saying this, when the complaints first started flying about the Xbox one and the always online i had posted about how i didn't understand all the fuss, and was immediately jumped on by half of the gawker nation. Now that its reverted back to it's old ways everyone is saying how were "missing out" all of…
I totally agree that the online connectivity should be used towards making it a better game and/or system and that does suck that you have spotty internet I've noticed that since I've switched to Verizon fios I have little to no issues but you're not arguing what they are arguing which is that not everyone has the…
What are you talking about? When your service is spotty, or in a dead zone the functionality of your telephone (to make phone calls) doesn't work. As with a new system with always on functionality even if you have spotty internet, it won't stop most from purchasing one and connecting to the internet when they want to…
your mobile phone IS always on... or do you run around with it on airplane mode?
The main character being the grandfather of the protagonist in AC3 could mean that the story has ties to the 3rd game and explain why its such a short time, also like they said about 2 they could have been working on this game for years
working trailer
I just want monster hunter on my PC already :(