
"Also, we're digging the cliffhanger for next episode. An alternate reality competent Doc? We're in."

@fluffywarthog1029: The Freedom Tower is asstastic. Damn thing's base looks like a paperweight. I'm not sure how we went from the initial designs that they displayed in the WFC to this abomination.

They need to buy the air rights of their neighbors. It'd be great to have that spiderweb facade wrap around the entire building.

Has there been any semi-specific info concerning what the plot of First Class will be? It's looking like they're going with the 'more mutants, more better' system, when I would prefer a stripped down Magneto vs. Xavier plot.

@cobaltage: I thought that Cameron did make good use of the 3D. The movie was basically a long-ass tech demo.

@Edman: Heh? Not only were the other two schools populated entirely with stereotypes, but the four houses of Hogwarts were populated entirely with stereotypes.

@Rawrnosaourous: The shame is that the editor didn't tell Rowling that she could afford to cut out about 200 pages worth of moping around in the woods.

@HK-47: Titanium is actually pretty common. Titanium dioxide is used in a lot of stuff, paint for example.

@Brian De Leon: From Jesus pissing his pants at imagined threats.

@LovelyHue: Dude, they had one of these on ST:TNG.

@trebory6: It's 'Earth-like' only in that it happens to be located in the 'sweet spot' distance from its sun where temps could allow for liquid water.

So is anyone slightly worried that this lovely chunk of binary code is going to be repackaged and sent back into the wild? I'm guessing that the IT security at US nuke plants isn't exactly world class.

@TheAlmanac: Nope. Harry never got a look at whoever put out the patronus, so he thought it was the ghost of his dad or some crap. The time travel element behaved as in The Terminator.

@commanderkitty: Except that from any point of view, it's actually regular Rimmer who would be considered the evil twin. And even calling him evil would have been giving him too much credit.

@Corvus-Corax: It did. Frank Miller did the 'ripples through the time stream' thing, so Skynet tried for one last change, and messed up the jump.

Did you ask them if they would stop pressing the damn reset button every fracking episode? And if they said no, did you punch them?

@Eridani: Eli isn't too bad. Rush at least has solid acting talent behind him. Greer has potential.

I don't get the screen sizes. If you're making a device that's too big to stick in a pants pocket, then why not match the screen size of your competitors?

@abates25: Yeah, technically you've got every application that can run on Windows 7. In reality, you're limited by 1GB of RAM, an ATOM processor and the touchscreen input.