
@Charlie Jane Anders: He's not reformed in any way, shape, or form. He's just a regular serial killer with a great MO, and a rather narrow set of victims.

I'm glad to see that Skynet was able to take time away from exterminating the human race to put together a nice web page. Probably would have worked better as a Facebook page.

@sakuuya: " ST09 is about Kirk growing into being a hero."

@RandomThought: Not really. MP had been nabbed by the crew and was about to spill the beans when HG yoinked the neckless off of him.

@hdgotham (Hannah Wilson): That's the thing though, about 90% of the contrivances are there in order to get the crew on the bridge of the Enterprise, even though they're still in college and some of them aren't even in the same solar system. If you remove the audience's knowledge of the future Trek crew, and simply

Like others have said, it was a good sci-fi movie, it just wasn't a good Star Trek movie.

@collex: I don't think the main problem is with depicting the colour. The sticking point is that the story is told from the POV of someone who isn't living on that farm, and is able to see and describe the decay that occurs as the colours mature.

@Cianalas: Really the Elder Things are the only creatures that Lovecraft described in such detail. Most other creatures are more vague in their description, mostly because the person doing the telling is trying to avoid being eaten when they show up.

That's a lame-ass devil if his master plan is to torment three people stuck in an elevator. This is an entity that rebeled against the creator of the universe, give him a game plan that doesn't suck.

@Ash (Not From Pallet Town): Actually I would consider 3-D films a slightly different medium from 2-D. Look at the difference in quality between films designed as 3-D to begin with (like Avatar) and ones where it was added in post (like pretty much everything else).

@Greyhole: That wouldn't be bad, except all those shows run on the basis that to save the world/team/MacGuffin the rules need to be broken. What you end up with is a character who is a dick who endangers the team multiple times until they see the light and just become like the team. Get me a show where following the

@lightninglouie: I thought the engine room was pretty stupid. I don't mind a dirty or industrial look, but that set just looked like a plumber's nightmare.

@hopskipper: Huh? I'm not going to watch it again because the lens flare would probably burn out my retinas, but as far as I could tell, Nero's motive was basically that the Federation had dropped the ball on saving Romulus, so he was going to get payback by offing Earth and Vulcan. Didn't he lose his wife and kids

@edicius: There's a difference between a plot that's obvious and predictable, and having the main characters go out the doors of the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum and somehow be in the middle of an airplane graveyard in Nebraska.

@hdgotham (Hannah Wilson): I'll stick with my reality where there were only two Mad Max films (and two Alien movies, and one Matrix movie).

@FauxReal: "True, no one wants an Apple-esque walled garden approach, but there needs to be some level of defense for the user aside not downloading anything because it's clearly asking for permissions it would never necessitate."

@doggdiggity: Not so sure about that. How many people are there who have to be on Verizon (due to coverage issues), wanted an iPhone, and have since given in and gotten an Android phone? How many of those are likely to switch over to an iPhone once Apple comes up with a Verizon model? They've already gotten apps

@djdare: "I think if Apple has demonstrated one thing time and again, it is that they believe in quality over quantity. "

@Turkieshooter: You say slashing weapon as though it's a bad thing.

@norway321: Prioritizing of data based on what the function of the data is (cell call vs youtube video) would be one thing, and somewhat acceptable. Discriminating within those categories of data would be a bad thing. Such as prioritizing youtube over flickr or the like.