Dave Moss

Softball team? This some wacky bullshit Mitch and Murray came up with?

The fuck is Franco Labeouf? I'm trying to work here!

Why is that?

Oh, the strategy? The strategy? Well I think I'll pass.

Then get me a better lead. And don't go waste my time, a "sales conference"?

Yes, well that's very cute, but you're running this office like a bunch of bullshit. You're on an override, and you make money, we make money.

Well, you never know, I'm talking to Jerry Graff, last week…I gotta call these deadbeats back.

I swear to God Shel, I got half a mind to go across the street.

They don't give you the leads, they don't give you the support,they don't give you dick. A bunch of garbage, and then they're yanking us in on some sales conference. When was the last time anyone made a dime on, learned a goddamn thing, all that it does, some jerk shoots his mouth off.