
I JUST FOUND OUT ABOUT THIS!!!! I was wondering when season two was coming, so checked up on the show and ….. BAM!! So disappointed. It was really funny.

I feel very grateful to have seen three seasons of the most brilliant writing and character development I've ever had the pleasure to witness….and simultaneously feel cheated by not having the pleasure of seeing anymore seasons of this masterpiece. Oh, what could have been! 3 sweet, short seasons of bliss, only to

Hannibal seethes with atmospheric suspense. What a show. I thoroughly enjoy every episode, there is just so much melodrama it really is disgustingly delicious. I just wished more people watched it. They have no idea what they're missing out on. Hopefully this show has enough viewers to ensure a good long run on

Wow!! What an episode!! This show is beyond excellent. It is one of those rare shows that leaves you feeling that the next episode may be the best episode in the entire series. That may very well be the case with Root and Shaw teaming up. What? Somebody is going to die. Many somebodies, unless the machine

Dish Network loses all credibility if it does not carry a network that has three of the best shows on television.  The end.