
I guess you haven’t heard of Bryce Harper. Or Alex Ovechkin.

Do you regret posting this on here? I know it sounded good in your head, but what did you think was going to happen? If I were you I would go back in time and unpost.

But that’s just it, some people do care. I’m going to guess that those $300 shoes look a lot better (to most) than the $30 shoes. Both are fine in their own right but some people would rather spend the extra money for the style.

Once again, a black man discovers the Blues, but it’s white guys who make money off them.

Bro it was a goal. Tough loss but don't whine.

Love what you do, and you’ll never work a day in your life.

It always amazes me how some people have absolutely no survival instincts whatsoever.

And then the rest of us will mention that he is a rapist.

Meh, I use a credit card for every purchase. I get 4% cash back and I pay it off every month and pay no interest. Its responsible use that is important in maintaining your credit. There is an in between.

People seem to forget the guy is a HUGE Fundie, and probably kept his kid out of school most of the time so he wouldn’t have to learn about sick and twisted shit like evolution, sex ed or global warming. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/sep/…

This is such bullshit.

It’s a really convenient piece of technology.

It’s a really convenient piece of technology.

These are the things you Juander about?

Wait until he sees the full list of things he can’t do any longer.