
Never heard of this. My love for LeBron grows even more.

I really liked him during the show. During his fight with the Joker, his shit-talking made me love him. Terry and Cassandra are my favorite Bat Children.

It’s funny how people interpret things differently. The Jedi greatly outnumbered the Sith thanks to the rule of 2. Vader brought balance to the force by destroying the Jedi order, in my opinion.

Brazil gives the US one hell of a fight for that crown.

I looked drastically different during my first 3 driver’s license photos. I was coming up on my fourth when I learned about this. Have enjoyed screwing with this on my end just because I’m easily amused.

I’m so glad I’m not alone. Reading about this and the guy in the ape outfit causes all sorts of devious thoughts.

Smiles screw up facial recognition software. They want to have your face easily mapped so it can be identified if there is a photo of you committing a crime.

I have one of the blackest senses of humor out there and I lose my shit when Waller recounts how Batman sat with Ace until she died. That was superb writing.

Seeing her cover her fear and stand toe to toe nearly naked with Batman showed how damn amazing The Wall is. Waller, Green Arrow, Huntress, Lex Luthor, Batman and THE MOTHERFUCKING QUESTION owned that show!

Eternity, Living Tribunal, Death, etc. I want to know what has happened to all of them.

I always imagined them getting together, Death going on and on about Mary Poppins, and Thanos wondering what he got himself into.

Guessing Vietnam, Desert Shield or Desert Storm, Afghanistan and Iraq. If Korea instead of separating OEF and OIF, that is one badass Septanagerien or Octanagerien.

Came back from Iraq and was discharged from the Army. Moved to Huntsville and started looking for jobs. Had a Manager at McDonald’s tell me they didn’t want to put up with PTSD. Very thankful for unemployment insurance and the rest of the social safety net.

Most of the fan base is old enough to own both consoles (hi) or can wait until it comes out thanks to being patient and playing other great games.

The last Texan, I know of, that was a fan of Alabama poisoned some trees in Auburn. Alabama and Texas pairings creates a special kind of crazy.


I think it’s from the Ring.

A wrap or hot dog are akin to rectangles while sandwiches are akin to squares. All rectangles are squares, but not all squared are rectangles. A wrap or hot dog are a specialized sanwich.

My interest died with MW3. Couldn’t get into that game at all.