
If you need a young Han, you must go with Anthony Ingruber.

I will definitely miss this universe and these characters.

It's like an inkblot test. I see a farmhouse as viewed though night-vision goggles.

So, very cool. I want to do it all!

They did a pretty good job casting the younger version of Harrison Ford's character.

Hey, look at me controlling machines!

I've been a fan of his work for a while. It's not just the subject matter. He is a master of light, color, mood and environment.

"Everybody does it." Not true.

Per Capita GDP is bad measure. Specifically, inequality in the U.S. skews the result quite a bit.

Very funny with adults. Not cool with kids.

I wonder how the time periods are divided. All times can't exist simultaneously since there would be an infinite number of all people. Even every 50 years would mean multiple versions of some people. Also, how would there be room and resources for the 100+ billion people who have ever lived.

I took the family to Ringing Rocks in PA last month. If you can navigate the treacherous rock field, it's pretty cool.

Too cloudy for a launch. They would have postponed.

If only they could find some overly dramatic music to accompany this video.

I just watched that episode again through Amazon Prime with my 17 year old daughter. A real classic!

The 1964 through 2012 chart nicely illustrates the collapse in popularity of David.

The tsunami makes sense for when Godzilla comes out of the water, but I wonder how that's going to go over in Japan just 3 years after a real one.