Dave J.

My wife pants’d me a few years ago and broke her finger doing it. (Hooked in the elastic waistband of my sweats.) Worst injury explanation EVER. 

Eh, never mind, I scrolled past because of the no photo. 

Bourne Supremacy??

The funny thing is that we are having this very technical debate, and yet if Twitter just magically added 50m followers to Trump’s account (or basically added enough followers so that he had more followers than Obama) and called up the White House and said “Mr. President, it turns out you were right, we adjusted the

For some reason I find that gross little slicked down bit of hair over his ears to be one of the most disgusting things I’ve seen. 

I guess that’s the answer to the question “how can I get my Saab’s transmission to go out twice as fast?” 

The most underrated thing about the Portland airport is the Port of Portland policy that requires restaurants in the airport to charge the exact same prices they charge outside the airport. This means that not only is the food super good, but reasonably priced as well. 

“Foray,” “masticating,” “venture,” “dissipated”... it’s hard to see how this guy isn’t absolutely swimming it, given the sexxxy way he writes about bonin’ and bangin’. 

People also cling to POC in their lives as a reason for why they are NOT racist. “I can’t be racist, my sister in law is black,” etc. 

Yeah, I think that Hopper figured his only way out was to jump into the Upside Down before the machine exploded and sealed it forever, and that “the American” is someone else. I think it makes sense why he’d do it—he’s been there before and maybe figures that Eleven will get him out, or that he’ll be able to find his

I’m ambivalent about him *for President* but would fund the shit out of his campaign if he quit tomorrow and announced he was running against that absolute fraud John Cornyn for Senate. 

My random Matt Nokes story: he went to my junior high school, probably 10 years before me, so when he had his great rookie year, I naturally figured that a book in our library that had his name in it would be worth money, so I went through *every book in the school library* and looked at the table in the inside cover

I get the joke, but c’mon, every guy knows that she’s “on a journey” with the other guys, and it’s all on the table. It’s not like each guy is filmed in isolation, under the impression he’s the only one. 

The only hope for Uber and Lyft is to remain viable long enough for fully autonomous vehicles to be on the road so that they can buy huge fleets and stop paying their pesky human drivers. 

Maverick’s comin’ for ya, Sudan!!

The arbiter, you say?

They’re also legally required to roll their eyes when anyone refers to a (a) US politician, (b) US holiday, (c) US monument or other relic of historic importance. 

____ Homicide
____ Accidental
____ Natural causes
_X__ IDK, Dark matter?”

With the exception of anyone you’re related to, and your partner, I feel like there should be an “unless they’re hot” after each one of these.

“he wants to see data that shows they’re aren’t actually some number of unexplained, gunshot-like wounds happening around the world.”