Dave J.

This was one of those “look, I’m pissed off, even though I know that technically you’re right. But now I’m out here and I’m going to jab my finger at you until you toss me” ejections.

The Senate is more likely than the House due to the gerrymandering that the GOP has put in place over the last few years.

Another favorite is “At this point in time...” Totally pointless and useless phrase to make yourself sound official. A favorite with police officers, military spokespersons, and flight attendants everywhere.

I meant the rhetoric of most “gun enthusiasts” (gun nuts, in the parlance of our times) is that individuals such as this should endeavor to purchase as many firearms as they are capable of owning. And note: nowhere in my post did I talk about criminals. I meant crazy people, like this guy.

Which is as it should be. But also, if you’re unable to get through a five minute conversation without expressing some delusion, you should lose that right.

Everyone: Woah, this dude is obviously delusional and crazy.

62% of males aged 14-15 masturbated in the past year? Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. It’s likely that the other 38% didn’t answer as they were too busy masturbating.

“How proud I was to promote the kangaroo tail....”

Leave your weird habits out of this political diatribe, lady.

It’s generally a safe assumption that “Just asking questions guy” is someone you always want to stay the fuck away from. He never turns out to be even halfway decent or worth knowing.

Do you seriously think he could have stopped in time if he was doing 65-70? This wasn’t a biker tailgating, this was a biker alone in the lane and someone merged directly in front of him.

For the past three years, my dad (he’s 90) has this terrible habit of asking me, on Easter, in front of my kids, “how did it go hiding the eggs this year?” Jesus Christ, dad, thanks for the spoiler alert there. So this year I told my mom ahead of time “remind him to not ask me about the eggs in front of the kids!” All

“Our mutual high school friends just reconfirmed that I was foolish to expect things to taste good down there.”

Floyd just tweeted that he has yet to read that contract.

Or jackass drunk/impaired driver. We’ve been losing thousands of people to drunk drivers every year for decades, and states still have ludicrously lenient penalties for it.

Well, less than half, technically, since he, you know, got fewer votes.

That drawing of Leia looks like it was done by somebody who had never actually seen a woman, but had only read other peoples’ descriptions of them.

Yeah, plenty of organizations do this with their EMPLOYEES. Isn’t the NCAA’s entire point when it comes to unionization of athletes that they are NOT employees?

He’s the living embodiment of white privilege in the sporting world. He pretty much sucks at the sports he chooses to play, but keeps getting chance after chance after profile after profile because of his “hustle” or his “heart” or his “character.”

This white culture of violence and thuggery has gotten out of hand. I call on white leaders to denounce the problems being caused by their...uh...middle aged people. When will their cultural figures like Dave Matthews and Channing Tatum come out against it? No, they’d rather talk about their “chill” music and “rad”