Dave J.

The losing candidate is always the best candidate on paper in the primaries. Hillary, Kerry, Gore, McCain, Romney. The winning candidate is the one people (who vote for him or her) can form a positive opinion of in about 5 seconds. Bill Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump (gulp).

Believing that what is simple for you is simple for others is the very definition of white privilege.

This sounds like the letter a celebrity would leave at his muffler shop. “Ya see that, Vin? Coach says we’re the best muffler shop in town! You get it how he says “I like the SOUND of that?” Because mufflers! Ah shit, Vin, you never get anything.”

I have no need to watch the poor tackling fundamentals of a bunch of GLORY SNAKES.

Proving yet again that the state of Texas is just the fucking worst.

Someone should do a practical joke where they tell guys getting vasectomies that they’re experimenting with a new process to ensure greater efficiency across all levels of the hospital, and then have a group of 18 dudes in pit crew uniforms come racing into the OR with a dizzying array of tools, hoses, clamps, etc.

Shit, I’ve been in some jury pools in Portland...not federal grand juries, but still. TERRIFYING. There are some dumb fucking people out there, and it is flat-out scary to think about them being on a jury for something serious. Not everyone, of course, and most of the people on the jury are great, but it only takes

In reading that story, I was struck by the absurdity of executing someone and then immediately taking them for an autopsy. “Hey, doc! We just killed this guy with a very specific mixture of deadly chemicals, and now we need you to cut open his chest cavity and run a check on all his organs to figure out how he died.”

“The rocky lump was first discovered about 50 miles outside of London in 2004 by fossil collector Jamie Hiscocks.”

With good reason—I spent a couple weeks in Tokyo several years back, and cruising around on the shinkansen was just about my favorite thing ever. The entire rail system (I had a JR pass for the trip) was so spectacularly far ahead of the US, it was actually pretty depressing.

This is everyone’s fate. The only high speed internet they can get is [terrible company with terrible customer service] and it will cost [price that is way too high.]

Meanwhile Trump would get into a Twitter flame war with Dyann Cannon that would somehow involve him nuking the Ukraine.

OMG someone make a reality show of his life.

The weed was fine, it was the meth she did AFTER the weed that caused all the problems.

It’s interesting—if you overlay a map showing rates of passport ownership (in the below map, the darker the shading, the lower the rate of passport ownership) with rates of Trump support, it’s almost an exact match. Meaning, conservatives can talk, but as a group they are the least worldly, least likely to actually go

“Pamela Anderson’s recent visit to Assange is unfortunately part of the disinformation campaign.”

GTFO with your MRA bullshit, brah.

Couples in stable relationships can talk to—and even flirt with!!—people they meet out in public, and it’s not the end of the world. Flirting is inherently fun, and my wife and I are both cool with the other having some stupid, harmless flirting fun when we’re out in public. It’s ego validation, and enjoyable. Who the

LOL @ “500 people in the web thing.”

“16. Alex Spanos”