Dave J.

A Yale man would have gotten that joke.

Bless their hearts for running at it *armed with sticks.* In the US, eight dudes would have whipped out their AR-15s, and the boar, plus 12 bystanders, would have been shot dead.

Ah, apologies, I stupidly read your response thoroughly and barely read the post to which you were replying.

Ahem, Sirius Black, please.

Judging from history, it’s more like if he plays well, the Patriots will trade him for far more than he’s worth, and he’ll flame out spectacularly with his new team.

I think the “others involved” in this instance were just people who thought they could cover up the allegations, and that as long as they did not investigate it TOO much, things would be ok. To you and me it seems obvious—why not fire the guy after the first allegation? But at the time they made the decision to

You would be surprised at how many top officials at universities think about their jobs in a very narrowly defined sense. They have their job, their job description says that their job has a certain range of responsibilities, and by god it is not their job to think about anything beyond that. I see this CONSTANTLY in

Look, I hate to say we need to do it, but it’s a terrible thing what’s going on, and lots of people agree we need to do something about it. We may have no choice, because it’s a huge, huge problem, quite frankly, and there could be massive trouble if it keeps going on and we don’t do it. So we’ll need to look into it,

Reagan’s defeat of Carter. My parents were big time Dems, and shit talked Reagan constantly, to the point that on the day he was shot, I walked up to my teacher and said it should be a national holiday. 1st grade. Earned my first trip to the principal’s office for that one...

It ends up with you directing and starring in a long streak of big budget movies, culminating in your casting as one of the iconic superheroes in American history? Yeah, not sure that’s necessarily the “lesson” we want Hiddleston to learn here...

To the hardcore Sunni, Shia are even worse than non-believers, because they believe (to the Sunni) in a perverted version of Islam. It’s almost like they have betrayed Islam rather than having never seen its truth. So, they are not just acceptable victims, but desirable.

He’s not all that funny, his timing is TERRIBLE, and his attempts at sincerity seem canned and completely insincere. Totally unwatchable.


Somewhat ironically, the .2% were watching All Takes Matter.

Hitler > Maddon > Stalin

Icy Hot Stuntaz think this dude’s phone is pretty fly.

That’s absurd, there are no documented instances of someone paying a firm to handle a large lawsuit on behalf of someone else.

“Mark Davis might be the only NFL owner who doesn’t actually have the money to build a stadium himself. The answer is not to build one for him.”

Juli Veee?