Dave J.

The most important tip is that the size of your knot should match, generally, the size of your collar. If you have a small collar, then go with a four-in-hand. But if you’ve got a huge collar, might want to consider something beefier.

I’ve found that eBay is an absolute essential resource for like-new (or brand new) ties. You can find some real gems on there.

Now playing

My favorite is the scene in Hitchcock’s “North by Northwest,” where the little boy in the background has been in rehearsals, and so knows that a gun is going to be fired, so plugs his ears right before Cary Grant’s character is suddenly and unexpectedly shot.

It doesn’t help things that Chip could go 0-16 and still have his pick of just about any top college job and a $7M salary next year. He’s got no real reason to listen to anyone because he knows, as does everyone else, that he’ll spend about 15 minutes unemployed before he gets hundreds of phone calls from every AD in

I looked for “nervous laughter gif,” but couldn’t find one. But, had I found it, rest assured I would have posted it here, as a way of reproducing my very-white-reaction to this post.

At like :11 on that video, the woman walking in front of him pushes some guy, who then proceeds up and out of the frame. I’m wondering if the Marco Rubio guy knew her and was stepping to her defense, and hit the guy he thought she was mixing it up with?

I think a lot of it is pandering. Their base, especially primary voters, skew older. So they are going to be receptive to not just talk about building up the military, but it will strike a nostalgic chord with them. “Hell yes, America used to have XX ships, and we kicked ass! Now we have 80% of that, and we suck!

Especially if you look at how often St. Reagan rocked a non-blue suit.

The neurosurgeon who wouldn’t criticize all of his fellow candidates who said vaccines cause autism? Yeah, I think he might actually be an ignorant fool.

Well I guess he...

I know the first time it lost you $14 million, though.

Good point about Wisenhunt. It’s always so infuriating when a kid gets drafted top 5 and his dickhole coach has to make a point about “the system” and designs a bunch of plays he’s never seen before. God forbid you give your face-of-the-franchise a few opportunities to find his feet before JJ Watt tries to tear his

Remember some unnamed NFL GM saying that, re. Mariota, “the lack of red flags is a red flag.” Like you, I really want Mariota to thrive and Winston to be a huge bust, in large part because it would completely drive another nail into the coffin of the “I use my gut to evaluate talent” line of thinking that is more

She seemed like an attractive young woman who was genuinely happy to be in his company.

He was actually wiring money somewhere. A large amount, so it took an extra long period of time. (Hence my ability to get out my phone and subtly take the photo.)

Hawthorne/39th. This was when he was living in the condo building at 20th/Hawthorne.

OF COURSE he gets rid of the whistle with the black string.

Once upon a time I stood behind him in line at my local Fred Meyer grocery store (in Portland). Oh, those were the salad days, my friends.

Good try, but you didn’t include a 50% contingency.

The real issue is not that college quarterbacks are so unprepared for the NFL, it’s that they are unprepared for coaches who want them to start immediately and play well. Go back a couple decades, and it was exceedingly rare for a rookie QB to start. Hell, look how many years Aaron Rogers sat behind Brett Favre. I