
He turned me into a newt!

He’s a witch! Burn him!

How dare you!

Like most every other comment, I will say carbs.

Dang, I was just going to post about the choke but yeah, carbs are both half high-school “science” project and franco-saxon avant-garde art interpretation.

Tuning and sync’ing carbs. Its not that its particularly difficult if you know what you’re doing. I just have no idea what I’m doing. I was raised on fuel injection. Bosch K and LH jetronic. I could write a book about those. Diagnose a failed fuel distributor or AMM (MAF) from across a parking lot.

Best post of the thread. Right here. And yes, I’m glad I’m not the only one noticing the change in opinion related to blocking roadways.

Thank you. It’s good to hear rational folks laying it out for everyone to see.

Ok. Slowly and clearly.

They have been calling them the Flu Trucks Klan up here.

It was the Jewish Space Laser!

Countdown to false-flag government operation theories....

More riders obviously means more bike repairs, but the problem is budget bikes are breaking too often too soon and aren’t actually repairable.

Interesting, when I was riding bikes as a kid, the bikes proved more durable than my bones. (mid 2000s)

Don’t mess with the dancer who can sustain an inverted thigh hold on that thing at highway speed.

It’s harder to justify cosplay with your taxpayer funded military equipment when looking for missing persons and rapists.

The right URL to one of the news stories:

We did! Sort of an ask for forgiveness rather than permission approach. The building was new and nearly empty when we moved in. Made friends with the super and tenants, and helped everyone out as much as we raised hell.

The street side mechanics in Hong Kong were amazing to watch - basically full on wrenching on cars on the side of the street, using a ditch they dug to get underneath them. Absolutely amazing work.

I mean, it’s cool. Sure. But dude had a garage. It’s not like he built it on the street or in a parking garage.