
Do you have personal experience with this? :P

The pieces get replaced "magically" to produce the effect.....

Darpa hasn't heard of Live WebStreaming?? or does this thing have no windows... I'd love to see what 13,000 MPH looks like.... Then again I think for the most part staying in the atmosphere all we'd see is a lot of Orange Red and Yellow Flames..... Good Luck DARPA! The Vulcan's are watching!!

"Why is there an are Exhibition at the bottom of the Ocean?" Probably because that's where the ship stopped sinking... ?? Otherwise it would be somewhere closer to the Earths core?? Now I'll read the article and find out why.... LOL

I'm going to assume you're being a smart ass??? AKA means "Also Known As"... Not as in an AK anything weapon's related....

OK that is just SO wrong. How does this guy Pee????? Or... anything that requires anything below the man boobs????

You can also use the "seat" as a leg spreader for "I didn't know I was pregnant" moments, or if you are a Kinky SOB and want to get pregnant on the toilet... Its a multi-use tool!


Soo you either get Mold & Mildew or your own body hair collecting in your wallet??? I'll pass.

That's no UFO... It's a Crashed Space Station!!!! Don't get caught in the Tractor Beam!!

Maybe add a slide show of someone's trip to Chile and you'd be all set!!

Good Call!!

You KNOW someone saved the unedited video... I'm sure it'll be out on torrent or redtube or something real soon....

Its a little late in the season for Firefly's in most areas. Can we just get a bunch of green glow sticks and fake it????? :P

"Shit-ton"? Is that a technical term? B )

Autobots! TRANSFORM!!!! You know this will seceretly turn out to be the first Transformer in Real Life.

I warned you guys about doing that!!! (get anything interesting?) LOL

"Your Clothes Give them to me NOW!" Really? you couldn't find a better picture than this guy? LOL

I believe it's a sprayed Brick Wall. :)

"The Cave is collapsing!!" "This is no cave........"