
I'd keep mistaking it for a confusing Meat Tenderizer . The Twist boasts 42 HOURS of light time on High. The Twist only 6. Not bad for the size/battery difference. (For your humor) I almost posted, now just tie in a Solar Panel and you really have something....... what a goof. heeheh

Expensive but beautiful...

My wife and I have 2 of their "Safe plastic" models and LOVE them. I might have to add 2 more with these models.! Thanks Giz!

Was he getting crankier or more confused about what he was saying?

No punching at all. I'd hurl it into a wall or down a flight of stairs.

I actually think this is a good idea, less oxydation means they'll stay fresh longer, if you squish it in a bag, you contain the mess, and if there are any stowaways in the fruit.. this should kill them due to a lack of oxygen. The Question is - are they using biodegradable plastic? if yes - Hooray, if no... then

Whoops... My Bad.... Can I have my fellowship back.. we were about to leave to destroy the Ring of Intellect and Dignity. Chalk one up for Twitter - the Tool that shows what that inside voice is really thinking.. The Real You......

Someone will make a Mount attached to their Chest Like Peter Griffin had in the "No TV" Episode. So they can do all their "work" while walking around AND snap that quick photo of Video showing someone's foot giving it a nice swift kick....... hopefully they've added removable memory.. otherwise that'll never

I guess that if the Kite option is promoted as the most applicable.. we'll have issues with all overhead power lines, bridge decks, Trees, buildings....... Now, could they mount the fan in front maybe as a cylindrical blade generator system... then you have a perpetual motion engine and lose the above side effects

How is this Tech or Gadget related? other than the night vision gear???

How'd you get your star back???

I think that's a Porta Potty not a British Phone Booth :D

This almost made me nauseous to watch, but it sounded cool

Love it!

I'm REALLY starting to lose faith in you Giz.. this is NOT News, it's trash. and you keep repeating TRASH.......... very sad.

I'll have to pass.

I have no response to that......

Since when are the GREEN PIGS Angry Birds? Clearly someone hasn't listned to the game and heard the snorting Read Dr. Seuss? Green Eggs and Ham? Oh wait that could go either way... But still it's Pigs not Birds.

How is this REALLY a Gizmodo appropriate article.. Bad form, in Bad Taste......

Now I want to go to the mall to see guys walking behind hot women clapping HOPING to see that under the shirt POP....